
What is the Illuminati?

This editorial was written by Dr. Steve Johnston and appeared in the August 19 Newspaper Curry Coastal Pilot in Brookings Oregon. Is there really any such thing as the Illuminati? Do people really sell their souls to the Devil? Will there ever be a one world government?

May 1, 1776 Bavarian professor Adam Weishaupt established a secret society called the Illuminati, a polite word for the worship of Lucifer. The goal was to create a secret society to establish a new world order, to destroy governments, private property, the Church, the family, and to create a utopia ruled by an elite group. In 1786 the Illuminati was exposed to the Bavarian government when a messenger on a horse was struck by lightening. Secret papers exposed the intent of the Illuminati. It was banned in Bavaria, but largely ignored in many parts of the world.

At its founding the Illuminati recruited banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild who became its financial benefactor. The Rothschild family became the wealthiest family in the world. They financed John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil, Andrew Carnegie of Carnegie Steel, and Cecil Rhodes of DeBeers Diamonds. These men all supported a one world government.

Do people really sell their soul to the Devil? One of the founders of Rock and Roll, Robert Johnson allegedly sold his soul to the Devil and gained unparalleled skills on a guitar in six months. Jim Page became obsessed with Aleister Crowley and Satanism. Ozzy Osbourne, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, and Keith Richards all became rich and famous promoting sex, drugs and Satanism. I have a family member who has made millions of dollars promoting drugs, Rock and Roll, and Satanism.

While writing this paper, lightening caused a forest fire which threatened to burn up my personal library and stop my writing. But I prayed and God gave me the assurance my house would be safe. Churches in Brookings prayed. The weather changed and fire stopped coming towards our house. The Bible declares in Revelation that Satanists will create a one world government. But at an appointed time the Antichrist and Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternity. Got Jesus?  Without Him its hell.  

Dr. Steve Johnston


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